This year, YOU Boston teamed up with the energy company, National Grid, to offer career exploration opportunities through their Grid for Good Program. Grid for Good works with partners in both the US and the UK to provide young people ages 16-24, with pathways towards livable-wage careers in the energy field.
Youth in the Grid for Good program are connected with National Grid volunteers who facilitate workshops that introduce participants to the basics of working in the energy industry. As youth continue further into the program, they have the opportunity to take part in team building and problem-solving activities, receive mentorship from industry professionals, and have the chance to gain real-life work experience through internships, apprenticeships, and job opportunities with National Grid.
YOU Boston’s Job Developer and Retention Specialist, Malik Gomes leads the program with the assistance of classroom assistant, Karla Ramos. Of the program’s impact, Gomes says, “Grid for Good has been an amazing opportunity and experience for our young people. They are exposed to the careers and departments within the energy industry, while also being able to communicate and interact among themselves and directly with National Grid employees. Also in part, the mentoring program through Grid for Good encourages relationship building and networking which allows our young people to develop both professionally and personally.”

YOU Boston is excited to continue to provide this invaluable career exploration opportunity to the young people we serve. By the end of the program we plan on enrolling at least 250 youth into Grid for Good workshops. So far, 137 youth have participated, and we are happy to report that 82% (113) have successfully completed the workshop portion to date.
The agency will be running at least one Grid for Good workshop each month until the end of 2021. If you or someone you know may be interested in participating, you can submit a general program referral through our referral page here.